
The WordPress Code Block is a powerful tool that allows you to display raw code snippets or any other type of preformatted text on your website. This is particularly useful for bloggers, developers, or anyone who needs to show code examples without WordPress trying to interpret or format it.

In this guide, we’ll walk through how to use the Code Block in WordPress, its benefits, and some best practices for making the most of this feature.

What is the WordPress Code Block?

The WordPress Code Block is part of the Gutenberg block editor. It allows you to display code in its raw form, preserving its formatting and preventing WordPress from rendering or executing the code. For example, if you want to show HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP code in a blog post or tutorial, the Code Block will ensure that the code is displayed exactly as written.

How to Add and Use a Code Block in WordPress?

To use the Code Block, you need to be in the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg). When editing or creating a new post or page, you’ll be working within this editor.

Step 1: Add the Code Block

In the WordPress editor, click the plus (+) button to add a new block. This button is located either in the editor toolbar or within the content area.

  • Type “Code” in the block search bar or scroll down to the Formatting section to find the Code Block.
  • Click on the Code Block to insert it into your post.

    Step 2: Insert Your Code

    Once the Code Block is added to your content area:

    • Simply paste or type your code into the block.
    • The code will appear as preformatted text, meaning it will keep the line breaks, indentations, and other formatting exactly as you write it.

    For example

    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

    Step 3: Adjust the Block Settings

    The Code Block is relatively straightforward and doesn’t offer many formatting options. However, you can adjust the following:

    • Alignment: You can align the Code Block to the left, right, or center using the toolbar options.
    • Additional CSS Classes: In the block settings on the right-hand panel, you can add custom CSS classes to style the code block.

    Step 4: Publish or Preview Your Post

    Once you’ve added your code, preview the post to ensure the code is displayed properly. The code will appear exactly as entered, without WordPress attempting to execute it.

    Know more: Best Way To Add Custom Code To WordPress

    Benefits of Using the Code Block

    The Code Block preserves formatting, making it easy for readers to copy and paste the code.

    • Prevents Execution: WordPress won’t execute the code within the Code Block. This ensures your site remains safe and that code examples are shown correctly.
    • Improved Readability: Code Blocks improve readability for technical tutorials, making it easy for readers to follow along.

    When to Use the Code Block

    If you’re writing tutorials that include coding instructions (like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc.), the Code Block will allow you to display the code without WordPress interpreting it.

    • Displaying Raw Text: It’s also helpful when you want to show unformatted text that needs to retain its exact appearance, such as JSON or XML files.
    • Technical Documentation: Use it to show configuration scripts, programming examples, or system commands.

    Also read: Code Snippets in WordPress

    Best Practices for Using Code Blocks

    WordPress Code Blocks do not support syntax highlighting by default, but you can use plugins like SyntaxHighlighter Evolved to make your code more readable by adding colours based on the code syntax.

    • Keep Code Short: For readability, try to keep code snippets short and focused on a specific task. If you have large code blocks, consider breaking them into smaller parts with clear explanations in between.
    • Add Descriptions: Include comments or descriptions before or after each code snippet to help readers understand the context and functionality of the code.
    • Test the Code: Before publishing, test your code to ensure it’s correct and functions as expected if users copy and paste it into their projects.

    Find out: How to Edit Your WordPress Plugin’s Code Safely


      The WordPress Code Block is a simple yet essential tool for displaying raw code in your posts or pages. Whether you’re sharing programming tutorials, website development tips, or just need to display unformatted text, the Code Block ensures that your code is shown clearly and accurately without being processed or executed by WordPress.

      By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can make the most of the Code Block and improve the quality of your technical content.

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